- 1
optional decorations for tiles?
#20 opened by Cassumbra - 2
- 1
How to convert from mouse world space coords to terminal index location to implement tooltips for a rogue like?
#22 opened by iwyatt - 0
derive reflect on Tile
#19 opened by Cassumbra - 0
Moving camera or terminal produces jitter
#15 opened by bewuwy - 0
- 0
- 2
Nothing renders
#12 opened by lostinnowhere314 - 0
Add support for Bevy 0.10
#10 opened by dsaghliani - 2
Multiple terminals with pixel scaling and different fonts severely missized in 0.12
#9 opened by Illiux - 0
0.12.1 doesn't compile on stable
#8 opened by ndarilek - 1
Camera follow player
#7 opened by bayou-brogrammer - 2
Tile to World Coordinates (and Camera)
#5 opened by matthemsteger - 1
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