
Unity Release Notes archive for search across releases.

Unity-ReleaseNotes cron

Update job starts on everyday 00:00 UTC. It may be delayed an hour or more due to busy time of GitHub Actions.


"<Package> Fixed" to search fixed issues. filename:known <Package> to search known issues.

path:Unity<Version> to specify version searching for.

Note that GitHub search sometimes says "nothing found", reloading page will show correct result.




How to delete all the releases and tags from remote repository.12

  1. delete all releases.
    git tag | xargs -t -n 1 gh release delete

  2. delete all tags remaining on remote repository.
    git tag | xargs -t -n 1 git push --delete origin

  3. delete local repository tags if necessary.
    git tag | xargs -t git tag -d


  1. GitHub CLI must be installed and authorized.

  2. Linux-compatible CLI environment is required on windows.