
The repository for Stepping Stones, an MRSD project developed at the Robotics Institute, Carnegie Mellon University

Primary LanguageC++

The code is launched in the master PC by the following commands in different terminals
roslaunch morpheus_skates stepping_stones.launch
rosrun morpheus_skates take_user_input.py
rosrun morpheus_skates shoe_size_input.py

Calibration routine:
roslaunch morpheus_skates calibration_arduino.py

The folder structure is created in a way that all the components are separate from each other
Arduino contains all the object oriented code that runs in each skate
CATKIN workspace contains all the ROS code 
Matlab contains the ROSBAGs, ROSBAG parsing scripts and some simulation files
Mechanical/CAD has all the CAD files of the skates 
Electrical Contains the PCB schematic and layouts used for power distribution and sensing