
ARIAC 2019 Challange

Primary LanguageC++


C++ project to build and dispatch kits for a given order based on the parts available in the bin and the conveyor belt.



Drop Part Challenge Result

Picking Part from Belt


This project implements hybrid architecture, where Sensory Module, Planning module and Execution module works independently to achieve the goal to build the kit. The algorithm read the order , makes smart decision for the shipment with any tag , checks the parts availability in the tray and the bin and generate a priority queues of the order parts for both the arms.


Sensory Module

Senses the world and update the parts available in the world continuously

Planning Module

Updates priority queues for arm1 and arm2 based on the parts availability and reach ability

Execution Module

Acts on the immediate goal from the planner to pick and drop the part


This project uses the following packages:

  • ROS Melodic

  • Ubuntu 18.04

  • Packages Dependencies:

    • catkin
    • geometry_msgs
    • moveit_ros_planning_interface
    • moveit_visual_tools
    • osrf_gear
    • roscpp
    • sensor_msgs
    • std_msgs
    • std_srvs
    • trajectory_msgs

Build Instruction

unzip the files to this location

  cd ~/catkin_ws/src/

and then run following command in the terminal

  cd ~/catkin_ws/src/
  cd ..

Run Instruction

open terminal and type the following command :

roslaunch ariac_2019_challange ariac_2019_challange.launch
roslaunch ur10_moveit_config move_group.launch arm_namespace:=/ariac/arm1
roslaunch ur10_moveit_config move_group.launch arm_namespace:=/ariac/arm2
rosrun ariac_2019_challange main_node