Open source flight controller running on an STM32F411RE MCU. Features user control, packetised RF communications, GPS and more.

Primary LanguageC


(Still undergoing active development)

Open source flight controller running on an STM32F411RE MCU and a custom designed PCB. Project written in STM32cubeIDE.

The other modules this flight controller currently uses:

  • NRF24L01PA for RF comms
  • GPS is provided by a uBlox NEO6M GPS module
  • Orientation from an MPU9250 9-axis IMU.

Current features:

  • User control
  • Packetised RF communications
  • GPS
  • In flight monitoring of telemetry information (battery level, orientation, GPS co-ordinates etc.)
  • More to come!

The first revision of the flight controller designed in eagle is shown below.

Alt text

The controller features headers for I2C, 4 GPIO pins, UART and an NRF24L01 module. The code for the associated user controller/transmitter is here: https://github.com/savvn001/DRONE_CONTROLLER_F4746NG