
This is a simple Java program that allows the user to play Rock-Paper-Scissors against the computer.

Primary LanguageJava

Rock-Paper-Scissors Game

This is a simple Java program that allows the user to play Rock-Paper-Scissors against the computer. The user enters their choice (1 for ROCK, 2 for PAPER, 3 for SCISSOR), and the computer generates a random choice. The program then determines the winner based on the choices and displays the result.

How to Play

  1. Run the program.
  2. The game options will be displayed, showing the choices for ROCK, PAPER, and SCISSOR.
  3. Enter your choice by typing the corresponding number and press Enter.
  4. The program will generate a random choice for the computer.
  5. The winner of the round will be determined and the result will be displayed.
  6. You will be prompted if you want to play again.
    • Enter 'y' or 'Y' to play again.
    • Enter any other character to exit the game.

Example Gameplay

---------- Enter a number to choose from below --------

1 ---- ROCK

2 ---- PAPER

3 ---- SCISSOR


Enter Your Choice: 1

Both chose ROCK
Match Draw!!!

Do you want to play again? (y/n): y

---------- Enter a number to choose from below --------

1 ---- ROCK

2 ---- PAPER

3 ---- SCISSOR


Enter Your Choice: 2

Computer : Scissor
You : Paper

You Won!!

Do you want to play again? (y/n): n

Have fun playing Rock-Paper-Scissors against the computer!