RoundyPi is a round LCD display based on RP2040 along with a compact and stylish 1.28-inch display module of 240×240 resolution, 65K RGB colors, clear and colorful displaying effect, expand its engagement with your project. RoundyPi comes with an embedded GC9A01 Driver and SPI Interface that minimize the required IO pins.
- 18037128621zheng zhou
- 32bitmicro32bitmicro
- 391PHannover, Germany
- alex0112Provo, UT
- Alliex
- AtlasAlpha
- bergeltt
- brickstuffBrickstuff
- dierdreOptum
- DirkUKUK
- dloocke
- gitmun
- iceshadows@QDU
- johnbutol
- KayMDUnited States
- ketantailorLondon, UK
- laurenceHRLima, Perú
- LexxM3Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
- lucasstinis
- mirsella42
- mrbdahlemChandler Unified School District
- onenonlycasperTECH service & support LLC --and-- Ghost Grafix design
- OpenSourceIronmanOut of the Box Astronautics LLC
- sktometometoJSK Robotics Laboratory
- sofabossGermany
- sordfish
- stevekennedyukNetTek Ltd
- tjmaxal
- TorxedEvil Scientist (Ond Vetenskapsman)
- Tyrone-Ward
- wallforfryBellman
- yushengge
- zhuzhe1983
- ZogKarndon