
submission for r/dataisbeautiful December 2019 battle

--Scope of challenge: The challenge was to create a data visualization using the standard atmospheric data from 1976 found on this wiki page

--Files uploaded: AtmosphereData.csv - The table I used to create the visualization, AtmosphereWorkbook.twb - The Tableau workbook with the sheets and dashboard, AtmosphereFinal.pdf - The Tableau dashboard exported as a pdf for submission

--Additional data: I started with heights ranging from 0 to 85000 meters, adding additional rows for every 5000th meter. I added atmosphere the height limit for the troposphere, stratosphere, and mesosphere as separate rows if the limit was above a multiple of 5000 (I got this data from I then added additional landmark data for some famous height records by using Google. Finally, added a column to find the barometric pressure found at each height using the formulas from this wiki page

--Tableau workbook: Added one field to make the different colored layer for each atmospheric stratum. Downloaded and edited clipart for each record. Created a title sheet, landmarks sheet, background color sheet, pressure line graph sheet, troposphere, stratosphere, and mesosphere text label sheets. Layered all the sheets on a dashboard and then saved it to a pdf.

--Explanation of final product: The final graph shows the increase in barometric pressure as the height increases, while showing different height records and the atmospheric layers.