xpp input format?
Opened this issue · 4 comments
Since MOCCASIN converts from Matlab -> XPP -> SBML, I wonder whether it would be possible to skip the first step, and let a user provide an XPP script, that is then send directly to biocham for translation and postprocessing by MOCCASIN?
This would be doable and probably not too hard.
Do you have a use-case in mind?
Since we frequently encounter models that are encoded with just ode rules, it would be easier for us to go SBML->XPP->MOCCASIN->SBML rather than having to go via the matlab route. Ideally of course i would like to just use SBML (with rate rules) -> MOCCASIN -> SBML ...
Okay, I understand now. So it's not so much XPP per say, as it is the use of ODE models?
cc @skeating
Really what is needed is the libsbml converter that reimplements the Fages algorithm. Apparently it is something that COPASI get asked about :-)