- 1
array oprator error
#66 opened by UpamalikaSamarawickrama - 0
Suggest to loosen the dependency on halo
#65 opened by Agnes-U - 1
ode15s support
#63 opened by rheiland - 0
Acknowledge Python packages used
#62 opened by mhucka - 1
Fix garbled icon on Windows
#58 opened by mhucka - 0
convert to use new version of Halo
#61 opened by mhucka - 0
Improve titles of components in mac .pkg installer
#60 opened by mhucka - 1
- 0
Handle multiple input files
#43 opened by mhucka - 1
Add option to produce SBML Level 2 output
#35 opened by mhucka - 0
Provide simple way of specifying compartments
#25 opened by mhucka - 0
Improve test cases to get 100% code coverage
#37 opened by mhucka - 0
Octave compatibility broken
#57 opened by mhucka - 0
Fix parsing of code after function definitions
#30 opened by mhucka - 0
Fix parser to recognize this as a variable
#31 opened by mhucka - 0
Fix GUI issues with large fonts
#33 opened by mhucka - 0
Do consistency checks on the input
#34 opened by mhucka - 0
Detect if Biocham service hangs
#24 opened by mhucka - 2
- 1
Provide self-contained application or image
#48 opened by mhucka - 1
- 1
Cannot type in pathname field in GUI interface
#56 opened by mhucka - 13
Improve installation process
#26 opened by mhucka - 0
Document more of how the converter works
#27 opened by mhucka - 1
adjust small GUI element misalignments
#32 opened by mhucka - 6
- 3
SBML is incomplete when .* is used instead of *
#51 opened by willigott - 2
- 2
fix extreme slowness of Matlab parser
#49 opened by mhucka - 1
- 6
moccasin gui won't launch
#46 opened by fbergmann - 1
Update `moccasin/`
#22 opened by mhucka - 4
xpp input format?
#47 opened by fbergmann - 5
- 2
Have we solved libsbml install issue for tox?
#28 opened by mhucka - 2
#23 opened by mhucka - 1
Update copyrights
#21 opened by mhucka - 1
Usage in need to correct
#44 opened by georgethrax - 0
- 0
Translate to Numpy
#40 opened by mhucka - 0
Handle simple conditional statements
#41 opened by mhucka - 0
Handle loading .mat files
#42 opened by mhucka - 0
Implement kind analysis for MATLAB symbols
#39 opened by mhucka - 0
Add a "how to contribute" guide
#36 opened by mhucka - 1
Write release process in wiki page
#18 opened by mhucka - 1
Add code of conduct
#17 opened by mhucka - 3
broken link in main readme file
#19 opened by uludag - 1
- 1
Moccasin GUI fails to run on MacOS Sierra
#15 opened by mhucka - 1
Videos for demos
#14 opened by mhucka