
Collection of scripts for biological sequence analysis

Primary LanguagePython


Contains assorted scripts that I used to work with genetic and genomic data.


  1. SeqTools.py - collection of functions for dealing with sequence data.

    • rev_comp - reverse complements a nucleotide sequence.
    • genetic_code - returns dictionary containing the genetic code corresponding to the input number.
    • transcribe - replaces Ts in a DNA sequence with Us
    • translate - translates a DNA sequence into an amino acid sequence.
    • is_orf - checks whether a nucleotide sequence is an unbroken open reading frame.
    • count_nts - counts the number of each nucleotide in a sequence.
    • gc - calculates % GC content in a nucleotide sequence.
    • get_orfs - returns all the unbroken open reading frames above a minimum length within a nucleotide sequence.
  2. gff_to_fasta.py - a script that takes in a genome fasta file and a gff file of genes, and outputs a fasta file of the genes in the gff.

  3. get_seqs.py - a script that takes in a list of sequences and a fasta file that contains those sequences, and outputs a fasta file containing only the sequences in the list.

  4. CodonUsage.py - computes codon usage in a sequence or a set of sequences.

  5. PCRLength.py - a script that takes a fasta file as an argument, and prompts the user to supply a gene ID, a forward primer sequence, and a reverse primer sequence, and prints the length of the expected PCR product.

  6. fasta_parser.py - for parsing fasta files

  7. polyAreads.py - creates a table of information about polyadenylated RNA-Seq reads

  8. polyAstats.py - takes table created from polyAreads.py and outputs a new table of 3'UTR stats for each gene in table.