
T2Tools is a toolset contains several tools for T2T assembly, and it is under development.

Primary LanguagePython


T2Tools is a toolset contains several tools for T2T assembly, and it is under development.



  • Python (>=3.7)
  • TRF (Tandem Repeat Finder)

Python Modules

  • matplotlib
  • numpy
  • pathos


Add TRF to your environment variable PATH

cd /path/to/install
git clone https://github.com/sc-zhang/T2Tools.git
pip install -r requirements.txt
chmod +x T2Tools/t2tools.py
echo 'export PATH=/path/to/install/T2Tools:$PATH' >> ~/.bash_profile
source ~/.bash_profile


0. Main program

usage: t2tools.py [-h] {centel,gap} ...

  -h, --help    show this help message and exit

sub commands:
    centel      Identify centromeres and telomeres
    gapcount    Get gap counts

Notice: details of sub commands were described below.

1. Identify centromere and telomere for genome

a) Usage

usage: t2tools.py centel [-h] -f FASTA [-p] [-w WINDOW_SIZE] [-s STEP_SIZE] [--lower LOWER] [--upper UPPER] [--copy COPY] [--score SCORE] -o OUTPUT [-t THREADS]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -f FASTA, --fasta FASTA
                        fasta file or directory
  -p, --split           split fasta or not, only for single fasta
  -w WINDOW_SIZE, --window_size WINDOW_SIZE
                        window size for splitting fasta, must be integer or scientific notation, like: 10000, 1e4
  -s STEP_SIZE, --step_size STEP_SIZE
                        step size for splitting fasta, must be integer or scientific notation, like: 10000, 1e4
  --lower LOWER         lower size of centromere repeat monomer, default=50
  --upper UPPER         upper size of centromere repeat monomer, default=200
  --copy COPY           minium copy number of centromere repeat monomer, default=10
  --score SCORE         minium score of centromere repeat monomer, default=2000
  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        output directory
  -t THREADS, --threads THREADS
                        threads, default: 10

b) Example

t2tools.py centel -f chrom_dir -o wrkdir -t 24 --lower 50 --upper 250

c) Result

  • trf_total.bed: a text file that contain several columns extracted from the dat file of trf like below
sid start_pos end_pos length copy_num score pattern seq
Chr1 11 2711 2701 432.2 2306.0 ACCCTA ACCCTAACCCTAACCCTAACCCTA...
  • centro.list: a text file that contain candidate centromere regions
  • telo.list: a text file that contain candidate telomere regions
  • whole.pdf: a distribution plot of "Repeat monomer length (nt)" and "Number of monomer"
  • separated.pdf: similar with whole.pdf but draw each chromosome separately

2. Get gap counts

a) Usage

usage: t2tools.py gapcount [-h] -f FASTA [-o OUTPUT]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -f FASTA, --fasta FASTA
                        fasta file
  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        output statistic, if not set, output to stdout

b) Example

t2tools.py gapcount -f chrom.fa -o chrom.gap_cnt.txt

c) Result A text file with two columns, first column is sequence id, second column is gap count, the last row is "Total" means total count of gaps