This is a package for plotting some images for bioinformatics.
Python modules:
pip install bioplotz
pip install git+ --user
import bioplotz as bp
fig, ax = bp.manhattan(data, threshold=0, color=['orange', 'green'], threshold_line_color='blue', log_base=0,
reverse=False, xtick_labels=True, ytick_labels=True, ax=None, marker='.', s=1, **kwargs)
parameter | value type | explain |
data | dict list |
dict key: block name value: [[x1,x2,...,xn], [y1,y2,...,yn]] list is a list like: [[x1,y1], [x2, y2], ..., [xn, yn]] |
threshold | value list |
value if only one threshold line to plot, Notice: if log_base was set, threshold values should be calculated with same log_base manunally, if reverse is True, threshold values should be set to its opposite number list if more than one threshold line need to plot, a list can be used for different lines, like: [threshold_value1, threshol_value2] |
color | list | color is a list used for blocks, if the count of block greater than color count, it will be used circularly |
threshold_line_color | value list |
value if threshold is a single value list if threshold is a list |
threshold_line_width | value | value the line width of threshold lines |
block_line_width | value | value if there are only one color, the block line will display as border, the width is set by this parameter |
log_base | value | log_base = 0 means not calucate value with log log_base != 0 means log base for log values with it |
reverse | Boolean | if all data lower than 0, you may use it to show opposite values |
other parameters | value | same with parameters used in pyplot.scatter |
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import bioplotz as bp
fig, ax, clb = bp.chromosome(chr_len_db, chr_order, bed_data, centro_pos, value_type="numeric", orientation="vertical", **kwargs)
parameter | value type | Optional | Default | explain |
chr_len_db | dict | No | - | key: chromosome name value: chromosome length |
chr_order | list | Yes | None | list: the custom chromosome order, like: ["Chr1", "Chr3", "Chr2"] must same with keys in chr_len |
bed_data | list | Yes | None | list: two dimension list, like: [[chrome name, start pos, end pos, value/color]] |
centro_pos | dict | Yes | None | key: chromosome name value: middle position of centromere |
value_type | str | Yes | numeric | numeric: the 4th column of bed_data should be value color: the 4th column of bed_data is color marker: different with other two types, it need 5 columns, the 4th column of bed_data is marker, the 5th column is color (marker is same with the parameter which be used in pyplot.scatter) |
orientation | str | Yes | vertical | "vertical" or "horizontal" |
cmap | str | Yes | gist_rainbow | cmap for colorbar |
cmap_parts | int | Yes | 100 | how many parts for splitting cmap |
s | float or array-like, shape(n,) | Yes | None | same with parameter s use in pyplot.scatter |
other parameters | value | Yes | None | same with parameters used in pyplot.plot |
- If value_type is numeric, the return value clb will be colorbar, else None
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import bioplotz as bp
fig, ax = bp.genecluster(gene_list)
parameter | value type | Optional | Default | explain |
gene_list | list | No | - | list: 2-dimension list, like [[gene name, start pos, end pos, direct(+/-), color], ..., [gene name, start pos, end pos, direct(+/-), color]] |
edgecolor | list str |
Yes | None | list: same length with gene_list, like: ["green", "blue", ..., "red"] str: common edge color for all genes |
edgewidth | int | Yes | 1 | edge width for all genes |
lw | int | Yes | 3 | line width to show the genome backbone |
Notice, the best figsize should be (gene count, 1), for example: plt.figure(figsize=(16, 1)), and the bbox_inches parameter which in savefig should be 'tight'.
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import bioplotz as bp
fig, ax = bp.multialign(data)
parameter | value type | Optional | Default | explain |
data | dict | No | - | key: gene name value: alignment sequence |
match_color | str | Yes | blue | color of matched bases |
match_background_color | str | Yes | None | background color of matched bases |
mismatch_color | str | Yes | red | color of mismatched bases |
mismatch_background_color | str | Yes | None | background color of mismatched bases |
base_per_line | int | Yes | 80 | base count to display for each line |
highlight_positions | list | Yes | None | positions for highlighting, 0-base |
highlight_color | str | Yes | green | color of highlighting positions in highlight_positions |
highlight_background_color | str | Yes | None | background color of highlighting positions in highlight_positions |
**kwargs | any | Yes | - | same with which use in ax.text |
Notice, the figsize should be (base_per_line/10, x) where x=align_length/base_per_line*gene_count/5, and the font must be monospaced, like "Courier New", that sometimes user need add codes as following.
import matplotlib as mpl
import bioplotz as bp
basefont = mpl.font_manager.FontProperties(fname="/path/to/font.ttf")
fig, ax = bp.multialign(data, fontproperties=basefont)
plt.rcParams['font.sans-serif'] = 'Courier New'
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