- 1
Courses page should say who the instructors are
#2946 opened by SethTisue - 3
404 links to
#3114 opened by sjrd - 0
Missing images for contributors without GitHub accounts
#3117 opened by gkepka - 0
Update the Cheatsheet to use Scala 3 syntax
#3115 opened by gkepka - 0
Missing hint in the Union Types page of scala3-book
#2675 opened by frankbe - 12
- 4
two or three paragraphs seem missed in _overviews/scala3-book/
#2680 opened by benluo - 0
Add descriptions/examples for advanced types
#3111 opened by gkepka - 4
Missing reference for "other advanced types" ?
#2933 opened by vreuter - 0
- 0
Use archived links for external sources
#3109 opened by gkepka - 2
No get started innformation
#3055 opened by arctrong - 0
Tour: traits page claims traits can't take parameters
#3097 opened by SethTisue - 1
Match expression's `@` operator not mentioned in docs
#2999 opened by sdasda7777 - 3
Orphan page in language tour: "Automatic Type-Dependent Closure Construction"
#3095 opened by SethTisue - 2
- 0
Array not shown in the docs
#3070 opened by asarkar - 1
French tour of scala is composed of empty pages
#3002 opened by yanngit - 0
Documentation missing crucial information
#3019 opened by gugolple - 1
Scala 3 experimental features should be more clearly labeled as experimental
#2976 opened by SethTisue - 0
Add documentation page on class types
#2975 opened by aherlihy - 1
Dead link in Android tutorial
#2961 opened by SethTisue - 1
- 1
- 2
Undocumented Scala 3 compiler options
#2940 opened by Bersier - 0
fix broken links for API reflect docs
#2936 opened by bishabosha - 3
Update FAQ entry about `scala.util.Properties.versionNumberString` to cover JS and Native
#2905 opened by SethTisue - 1
- 4
Update the Scala for Python devs page
#2892 opened by OlegAlexander - 2
Style Guide: Method Invocation is outdated
#2827 opened by Sporarum - 4
Toolkit Files and Processes missing io.File and nio.Path interop details
#2883 opened by DavidGoodenough - 0
Update the Scala 3 migration guide for 3.3 LTS
#2875 opened by bishabosha - 1
The Value Classes guide should be part of the Scala Book
#2812 opened by julienrf - 0
Metaprogramming page links to a deprecated site
#2859 opened by altrack - 0
- 0
Scala 2.x macro pages have dead links to ``
#2840 opened by bicknrown - 0
The REPL guide should be part of the Scala Book
#2816 opened by julienrf - 0
- 3
- 1
Can't preview site locally on MacOS because default Ruby is 2.6 which is too old
#2779 opened by SethTisue - 1
- 3
Ambiguity in Tour of Scala : Case Classes
#2771 opened by QuentinCazelles - 1
Example of ADTs in online book fails to run
#2702 opened by djbpitt - 1
Compiler options migration page was never updated for 3.0.0 final (or subsequent versions)
#2615 opened by SethTisue - 1
- 0
Search functionality seems to be missing things
#2715 opened by ckipp01 - 3
Get rid of references to `dotc`
#2694 opened by prolativ - 0
- 2
Documentation states that "type inference proceeds one parameter list at a time" but this is not true in Scala 3.
#2648 opened by smarter - 4
Deleted pages are not removed from the website
#2621 opened by julienrf