- 1
- 1
👩💻 Documentation Request: Setting up a serverless infrastructure with Micronaut on Scaleway
#3766 opened by Fohlen - 2
[👩💻 Documentation Request]: How to Set Up an Nginx Ingress with Cert-Manager on Scaleway Managed k8s
#3706 opened by daanpersoons - 2
[👩💻 Documentation Request]: Exposing TCP services through INGRESS-NGINX on a scaleway managed K8S clusters
#3705 opened by daanpersoons - 0
👩💻 Documentation Request: clarify netplan for alternate ips and replacing cloud init
#4013 opened by Nicolas-Innocent - 1
Erroneous YAML syntax in troubleshooting article
#3746 opened by NoSuchCommand - 1
👩💻 Documentation Request:
#3449 opened by thomasbeaujean - 11
- 1
- 4
👩💻 Documentation Request: Encode videos using Scaleway Jobs and FFMPEG
#3090 opened by antoinechampion - 2
- 1
🐞 Documentation Bug: died lib in examples
#3121 opened by Artem3213212 - 2
[🐞 Documentation Bug]: Serverless Jobs OpenAPI spec for environment variables
#2628 opened by smndtrl - 2
- 1
👩💻 Documentation Request: Upload, download files to object storage using node and python
#3084 opened by INF800 - 2
🐞 Documentation Bug: format broken
#3112 opened by Artem3213212 - 1
🐞 Documentation Bug: IAM API example are not working
#2857 opened by zwindler - 1
- 3
👩💻 Documentation Request: Details on Serverless Containers cold start process and image versionning
#2617 opened by durierem - 1
🐞 Documentation Bug: Pulumi Resource Provider not maintained anymore - lbrlabs/pulumi-scaleway
#2786 opened by guedressel - 6
- 1
🐞 Documentation Bug: API Endpoints documentation is mixing singular and plural paths
#2570 opened by LukasSkywalker - 4
Security warning
#2520 opened by samber - 1
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- 2
👩💻 Documentation Request: Use Managed Redis to cache Managed MySQL using Entity Framework
#2395 opened by antoinechampion - 1
🐞 Documentation Bug: Nginx Ingress crash after applying
#2478 opened by boomaker - 2
🐞 Documentation Bug: routed flexible ips and cloud init
#2372 opened by gustopn - 2
🐞 Documentation Bug: IPv6 reverse DNS is not working, should have been noticed and mentioned in the docs.
#2380 opened by gustopn - 1
👩💻 Documentation Request: Explain the difference between IPv6 address and IPv6 prefix to scaleway support
#2381 opened by gustopn - 1
[👩💻 Documentation Request]: the scaleway console does not work as documented
#2365 opened by gustopn - 2
- 1
👩💻 Documentation Request: Creating a Kubernetes Cluster on Scaleway with K3s and Cilium
#2299 opened by arthur-mrz - 1
🐞 Documentation Bug: Dedibox IPv6 systemd-networkd configuration is incorrect
#2250 opened by ShaftInc - 1
🐞 Documentation Bug:
#2073 opened by alter-s - 4
👩💻 Documentation Request: Install a Github Actions self-hosted runner on Apple Silicon
#2009 opened by antoinechampion - 2
🐞 Documentation Bug: Install scaleway-ecosystem on RedHat-based distributions
#1949 opened by boomaker - 1
👩💻 Documentation Request:
#1964 opened by ckdarby - 1
👩💻 Documentation Request: Search engine improvement
#1950 opened by boomaker - 6
[👩💻 Documentation Request]: Make systemd-networkd the default DHCPv6 client for Dedibox-network
#1920 opened by HLFH - 1
🐞 Documentation Bug: missing host in api call
#1918 opened by alter-s - 1
[👩💻 Documentation Request]: Exposing services in Scaleway Kubernetes is only for TCP/HTTP
#1903 opened by acdn-ndostert - 1
👩💻 Documentation Request: Details about the possible "variables" includable in IoT Hub Routes config
#1775 opened by SebUndefined - 4
- 2
👩💻 Documentation Request: Deploy Laravel to Scaleway Serverless Container
#1681 opened by arthur-mrz - 2
👩💻 Documentation Request: Sending Kapsule logs and metrics to the Observability Cockpit using FluentBit
#1517 opened by antoinechampion - 1
🐞 Documentation Bug: IP address not correctly specified
#1622 opened by n2o - 1
- 1
🐞 Documentation Bug:
#1482 opened by srounet - 0
#1363 opened by bene2k1