
Build a Twitter Clone!

Primary LanguageRuby

Build Status

Chitter Challenge


I considered the user stories provided below to make a bare-bones diagram of the product MVP.


Utilising my learnings from my work undertaken previously in these two repos

I began the weekend work. I really enjoyed this challenge as I am an avid fan of Twitter, so making a simple working version of my most used social media platform was very appealing to me.

Getting started

  1. Clone this repo git clone git@github.com:scass91/chitter-challenge.git
  2. Change directory cd chitter-challenge
  3. Run bundle to install dependencies bundle
  4. Install postgresql brew install postgres

Running tests

  1. Create the test database createdb chitter_test;
  2. Set up the test environment tables rake db:auto_migrate RACK_ENV=test
  3. Run the tests with rspec in the project root folder


  1. Create the development database createdb chitter_development;
  2. Set up the development environment tables rake db:auto_migrate
  3. Run rackup to start the server rackup
  4. Open up a browser and navigate to the following page http://localhost:9292

Signing up

  1. Navigate to the index page
  2. Click on the 'Sign Up' link
  3. Fill in your details and hit 'Submit'
  4. Using these details previously entered - then submit these on the sign in page

Submitting a Peep

  1. Navigate to your profile page once logged in
  2. Enter your message in the prompted field and click 'Submit'
  3. Repeat as neccessary

Test Coverage

I utilised a rigorous TDD approach to this challenge, my commit history shows a methodical approach which involved failing tests, passing tests & then refactoring afterwards. The below screenshot shows the current coverage achieved at time of MVP:


Lessons learned

  1. Stick to TDD, even if it's frustrating being blocked it's better than flailing around looking for bugs.
  2. Simple CSS/HTML can look good too!
  3. It's okay to reference my older work when working on a new project - As mentioned earlier in this README, I relied fairly heavily on my learnings from older projects.

Future direction

  1. Implement the advanced user stories
  2. Implement the ability to reply to Peeps
  3. Add in Re-peeping/favouriting of Peeps
  4. Make the app fully cat based (I was planning on calling it 'Kitter'!)



  • The functionality of users logging in/out here can be seen as users old peeps aren't deleted when a new user posts a peep Imgur
  • A user will be prompted to try again if they enter incorrect information at the sign in stage

Chitter Challenge

  • Challenge time: rest of the day and weekend, until Monday 9am
  • Feel free to use Google, your notes, books, etc. but work on your own
  • If you refer to the solution of another coach or student, please put a link to that in your README
  • If you have a partial solution, still check in a partial solution
  • You must submit a pull request to this repo with your code by 9am Monday morning


As usual please start by forking this repo.

We are going to write a small Twitter clone that will allow the users to post messages to a public stream.



As a Maker
So that I can let people know what I am doing  
I want to post a message (peep) to chitter

As a maker
So that I can see what others are saying  
I want to see all peeps in reverse chronological order

As a Maker
So that I can better appreciate the context of a peep
I want to see the time at which it was made

As a Maker
So that I can post messages on Chitter as me
I want to sign up for Chitter


As a Maker
So that only I can post messages on Chitter as me
I want to log in to Chitter

As a Maker
So that I can avoid others posting messages on Chitter as me
I want to log out of Chitter


As a Maker
So that I can stay constantly tapped in to the shouty box of Chitter
I want to receive an email if I am tagged in a Peep

Technical Approach:

This week you integrated a database into Bookmark Manager using the PG gem and SQL queries. You can continue to use this approach when building Chitter Challenge.

If you'd like more technical challenge this weekend, try using an Object Relational Mapper as the database interface.

Some useful resources: DataMapper


Notes on functionality:

  • You don't have to be logged in to see the peeps.
  • Makers sign up to chitter with their email, password, name and a username (e.g. samm@makersacademy.com, password123, Sam Morgan, sjmog).
  • The username and email are unique.
  • Peeps (posts to chitter) have the name of the maker and their user handle.
  • Your README should indicate the technologies used, and give instructions on how to install and run the tests.


If you have time you can implement the following:

  • In order to start a conversation as a maker I want to reply to a peep from another maker.


  • Work on the CSS to make it look good.

Good luck and let the chitter begin!

Code Review

In code review we'll be hoping to see:

  • All tests passing
  • High Test coverage (>95% is good)
  • The code is elegant: every class has a clear responsibility, methods are short etc.

Reviewers will potentially be using this code review rubric. Referring to this rubric in advance may make the challenge somewhat easier. You should be the judge of how much challenge you want this weekend.

Notes on test coverage

Please ensure you have the following AT THE TOP of your spec_helper.rb in order to have test coverage stats generated on your pull request:

require 'simplecov'
require 'simplecov-console'

SimpleCov.formatter = SimpleCov::Formatter::MultiFormatter.new([
  # Want a nice code coverage website? Uncomment this next line!
  # SimpleCov::Formatter::HTMLFormatter

You can see your test coverage when you run your tests. If you want this in a graphical form, uncomment the HTMLFormatter line and see what happens!