Analysis bioinformatic pipeline for high-throughput identification and quantification of large repertoires of resistance conferring mutations. RM-seq is an amplicon-based, deep-sequencing technique using single molecule barcoding. We have adapted this method in order to identify and quantify mutations that confer resistance to a given antibiotic.
RM-seq allows to both correct sequenced read errors generated during sequencing and to accurately quantify mutations by correcting PCR amplification bias generated during sequencing library preparation. During the first step of amplicon library preparation, a linear PCR (primer extension) with a primer comprising a tail with degenerated bases (all possible bases) introduce a unique barcode to DNA template molecules. Therefore a barcode is assigned not just to all the molecules from a certain sample (indexing), but to all molecules being amplified and sequenced. RM-seq pipeline use these barcodes to generate an error-corrected consensus sequence of the initial template variant. Counting the barcodes indroduced before exponential amplification by PCR of the template allows to accurately quantify each genetic variants from genomic DNA extracted from complex population of resistant clones (eg. pools of 10,000 resistant colonies selected by an antibiotic in vitro).
A complete descrition of the RM-seq method will be available soon (article submitted)
- To be able to us this pipeline you need to have sequenced amplicon library with molecular barcodes.
- It only supports paired-end FASTQ reads (including .gz compressed fastq files).
- It needs paired reads that are overlapping.
- It needs a reference fasta sequences of the sequenced gene (DNA and protein sequence).
- It's written in Python3 and Perl.
pip3 install rmseq
RM-seq has the following package dependencies:
- EMBOSS >= 6.6 for
- clustal-omega >= 1.2.1
- bwa >= 0.7.15
- samtools >= 1.3
- bedtools >= 2.26.0
- pear >= 0.9.10
- cd-hit >= 4.7
- trimmomatic >= 0.36
- python modules:
If you are using the OSX Brew or LinuxBrew packaging system:
brew tap homebrew/science
brew tap tseemann/bioinformatics-linux
brew install parallel; parallel --citation # please write will cite
brew install bedtools
brew install EMBOSS
brew install clustal-omega
brew install bwa
brew install samtools
brew install pear
brew install cd-hit
brew install trimmomatic
pip3 install plumbum
pip3 install biopython
usage: rmseq [-h] ...
Run RM-seq pipeline.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
run Run the pipeline.
version Print version.
check Check pipeline dependencies
test Run the test data set.
rmseq check
rmseq test
rmseq run -h
usage: rmseq run [options]
Run the pipeline
positional arguments:
R1 Path to read pair 1
R2 Path to read pair 2
refnuc Reference gene that will be used for premapping
filtering (fasta).
refprot Reference protein that will be use for annotating
variants (fasta).
outdir Output directory.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-d, --debug_on Switch on debug mode.
-f, --force Force overwite of existing.
-b BARLEN, --barlen BARLEN
Length of barcode (default 16)
-m MINFREQ, --minfreq MINFREQ
Minimum barcode frequency to keep (default 5)
-c CPUS, --cpus CPUS Number of CPUs to use (default 72)
-r MINSIZE, --minsize MINSIZE
Minimum ORF size in bp used when annotating variants
(default 200)
-w WSIZE, --wsize WSIZE
Word-size option to pass to diffseq for comparison
with reference sequence (default 5)
Only examine this many reads.
-k, --keepfiles Keep the intermediate files. Default is to remove
intermediate files
rmseq version
RM-seq produces a tap-separated output file called amplicons.effect with the following columns:
Column | Example | Description |
barcode | GACACAACTGAGATTA | The sequence of the barcode |
sample | Rifampicin1 | The output folder name |
aa_mutation | H481N | The annotation of the amino acid change (Histidine residue 481 substituted by Asparagine) |
start | 481 | start coordinate of the mutation |
end | 481 | end coordinate of the mutation |
orf | VRPPDKNNRFVGLYCTLV... | the protein sequence of the consensus sequence |
dna | GGTTAGACCACCCGATAA... | The dna sequence of the consensus sequence |
The other files produced by RM-seq are:
File name | Description |
amplicons.nuc | Multifasta file containing all the consensus nucleotide sequence (header of sequence is the barcode) |
amplicons.orf | Multifasta file containing all the consensus protein sequence (header of sequence is the barcode) |
amplicons.barcodes | Table with the count of each barcode sequence |
amplicons.cdhit | Multifasta file containing all the unique consensus nucleotide sequence (header of sequence is the barcode) |
Please report problems to the Issues Page.
Romain Guerillot | Torsten Seemann | Mark B Schultz (github: schultzm)