- 2
Update importlib-metadata requirement
#222 opened by rgutzen - 1
SciUnit 0.2.8 missing on PyPi
#224 opened by heplesser - 2
CellExecutionError no longer available in nbconvert.preprocessors.execute (nbconvert 7.13.0)
#220 opened by frenzymadness - 2
Unable to import sciunit utils 0.2.7 on Python 3.11
#219 opened by mdenker - 0
Python3.12: two tests fail
#218 opened by penguinpee - 4
Test failure on Py3.11
#211 opened by sanjayankur31 - 1
Build failure on python 3.12: `ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'imp'`
#217 opened by sanjayankur31 - 0
Statement on bundling cypy?
#215 opened by musicinmybrain - 3
Multiple score_type for same test
#213 opened by appukuttan-shailesh - 2
inspect.getargspec deprecated in Python 3
#209 opened by sanjayankur31 - 1
v0.2.7 not tagged
#208 opened by sanjayankur31 - 11
- 3
utility functions for storing of test predictions
#198 opened by rgutzen - 3
- 2
Model population container type with scoring methods via settable prediction class attributes.
#199 opened by russelljjarvis - 0
- 1
Isolating executions of multiple tests across same model when using TestSuite.judge()
#182 opened by appukuttan-shailesh - 8
Ratio Score, score type cannot handle legitimate cases where observation and prediction are of different sign (+,-).
#172 opened by russelljjarvis - 4
- 9
Giving options for required capabilities
#166 opened by appukuttan-shailesh - 13
tkinter import error on headless system
#133 opened by andrisecker - 0
Suppress "Config file not found" message
#160 opened by rgerkin - 2
Add "Open in Colab" badge to README
#91 opened by rgerkin - 1
Add satisficing score converters
#89 opened by rgerkin - 2
- 4
- 5
- 1
- 5
sciunit fails to build with pip 20.1.x (with Python 3.9.0b1 and 3.8.3 alike).
#144 opened by sanjayankur31 - 4
Proposed: Deprecate Python 2.7
#118 opened by rgerkin - 5
CellExecutionError from nbconvert package
#134 opened by appukuttan-shailesh - 24
Make all docstrings Sphinx readable
#84 opened by rgerkin - 4
- 2
sciunit ScoreArray does not have an iterable .items() method/attribute.
#125 opened by russelljjarvis - 1
Add empty backend (sciunit generic backend) to available_backends on sciunit import (or models import)
#127 opened by rgerkin - 1
Change return NotImplemented to raise NotImplemented
#126 opened by rgerkin - 1
Bump Python 3 versions for testing in Travis
#120 opened by rgerkin - 1
- 1
Add log_norm_score
#115 opened by rgerkin - 4
- 2
Add key-based lookup of Tests in TestSuites
#110 opened by rgerkin - 2
New pypi release
#101 opened by rgerkin - 0
- 1
Fix logos on README
#92 opened by rgerkin - 2
pip install broken again.
#87 opened by russelljjarvis - 16
Consider moving validate_observation to .judge() to accommodate observation-free tests
#86 opened by JustasB - 2
local storing of test predictions
#80 opened by rgutzen - 1
Move based Backend and RunnableModel to SciUnit
#85 opened by rgerkin - 1
passing test parameters to score_type.compute()
#81 opened by rgutzen - 2