- 10
Improve scroll behavior in Swing input dialog
#74 opened by imagejan - 2
Implement an input widget for URIs
#85 opened by ctrueden - 4
- 11
Provide a way to save results from swing table
#37 opened by imagejan - 0
- 0
Console Menu bar is not aware of Log tab
#80 opened by tferr - 5
Spinners are missing up/down arrows with FlatLaf
#77 opened by ctrueden - 7
NPE from SwingObjectWidget
#76 opened by karlduderstadt - 2
- 2
- 2
Improve support for Look & Feels
#3 opened by ctrueden - 1
Move non-Swing-specific object handling upstream
#73 opened by ctrueden - 1
Add FlatLaf as a L&F option
#61 opened by tferr - 0
Add test for stepSize=null
#70 opened by imagejan - 0
Unusable viewport in tables
#62 opened by tferr - 3
- 1
No parameter attribute for number formats
#45 opened by etadobson - 1
- 0
- 1
SwingFileWidget: support 'pattern' style
#57 opened by imagejan - 0
Harmonize file filter logic for File inputs
#58 opened by imagejan - 1
Messages are right-aligned
#29 opened by ctrueden - 0
Warning status popup displayed twice
#49 opened by frauzufall - 0
Support html hyperlinks in labels and messages
#39 opened by imagejan - 2
Spinner increment/decrement precision problem
#19 opened by lnyng - 0
Ensure JSpinner text is selected on focus
#12 opened by hinerm - 0
Reconcile SwingDialog & SwingDialogPrompt
#1 opened by ctrueden - 2
- 0
- 0
- 1
Fix procedure of how to create update site
#40 opened by frauzufall - 1
Sliders and scroll bars should scale to stepSize
#31 opened by imagejan - 0
Parameter with TextWidget.AREA_STYLE crashes the UI
#24 opened by lnyng - 3
- 1
SwingUI's chooseFile deadlocks on macOS
#28 opened by ctrueden - 3
- 5
- 1
Add button to reset parameter default values
#17 opened by imagejan - 0
- 0
- 0