The Chrono demos are containerized with Docker. Here are some instructions how to set up container on your machine so that you can successfully run the demo.
Open a terminal in your machine then run
git clone && cd workshop_demo
Once getting into folder, running the following to build docker image from Dockerfile:
docker build -t <img_name> .
Notice that you can put a tag name for the image you build by using flag -t. For example,
docker build -t uwsbel/demo .
builds an image named uwsbel/demo.
Pulling the Docker image by running:
docker pull uwsbel/demo
After building the image using either method, create and get into a container using the command:
docker run -it --gpus all -v <dir_to_store_data>:/root/sbel/outputs -v <dir_to_json_inputs>:/root/sbel/json uwsbel/demo
is the host machine directory where you want to store the output data from the demos.<dir_to_json_inputs>
is the host machine directory of json inputs./root/sbel/outputs
is the output directory in the container./root/sbel/json
is the json input directory in the container.
and <dir_to_json_inputs>
depends on your operating system and work directory.
Windows user will have something like:C:\Users\SBEL\demo_output\
and C:\Users\SBEL\workshop_demo\json
Linux user will have something like: /home/harry/workshop_demo/outputs/
and /home/harry/workshop_demo/json/
Single wheel test under VV mode
./demo_FSI_SingleWheelTest_VV_mode 17.5 0.3 3
- 17.5 is the mass of the wheel
- 0.3 is slip ratio that would like to enforce
- 3 is just an ID for this slip
Sinle wheel test under real slope mode
./demo_FSI_SingleWheelTest_RealSlope_mode 17.5 15 0.8
- 17.5 is the mass of the wheel
- 15 is the slope angle of the terrain
- 0.8 is the wheel angular velocity
Full VIPER rover under real slope
./demo_ROBOT_Viper_RealSlope 73.0 15 0.8
- 73.0 is the mass of the rover
- 15 is the slope angle of the terrain
- 0.8 is the wheel angular velocity
Curiosity rover on uphill and downhill
./demo_ROBOT_Curiosity_Uphill 200.0 1.0 1
- 200.0 is the mass of the rover
- 1.0 is the height of the terrain
- 1 is just an ID for this simulation
- Go to one of the full VIPER rover result folder, e.g /FSI_Viper_RealSlope_SlopeAngle_15
- Copy the script "" and the obj file folder "obj_for_render" to the above result folder
- Render an image using below command (7 is the frame number of the output image)
blender --background --python ./ 7
- Go to one of the Curiosity rover result folder, e.g /FSI_Curiosity_Uphill_1
- Copy the script "" and the obj file folder "obj_for_render" to the above result folder
- Render an image using below command (15 is the frame number of the output image)
blender --background --python ./ 15