
An implementation of “A Model for Soap Film Dynamics with Evolving Thickness ” Ishida*, Synak*, Narita, Hachisuka, Wojtan, Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH 2020).

Primary LanguageC++Mozilla Public License 2.0MPL-2.0

Dynamic Soapfilms with Evolving Thickness

This is an example implementation of the paper “A Model for Soap Film Dynamics with Evolving Thickness ” Ishida*, Synak*, Narita, Hachisuka, Wojtan, Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH 2020).

[Project site]

[Youtube video]

Authors: Sadashige Ishida, Fumiya Narita, and Peter Synak
Lisence: MPL-2.0

Basic Usage

Running the executables without command line arguments will display the usage. Data files are located in the fes_assets folder.

Space: Turn on/off the clock.
s: Proceed one time step.
i: Change simulation mode 0. Eulerian flow only 1. Lagrangian deformation only 2. Both of them

C: Add random velocities using curl noise.
P: Add random thickness using Perlin noise.

b: Burst the bubble with the thinnest film among.
B: Toggle thickness-dependent bubble burst.
e: Toggle evaporation.

/: Switch the equation between our soap film model and the incompressible Euler equation.
D: Turn on/off the scene specific update.

m: Change rendering mode.
v: Toggle visualization of Eulerian velocities on vertices.
t: Toggle visualization of Eulerian velocities on triangles.

o: Save the state as files containing information of mesh, labels, and constrained vertices.
O: Save the state as above, but with ghost vertices and faces.
and etc.


This program is built by standard procedures using CMAKE (http://www.cmake.org). The following external libraries are required:
Eigen (http://eigen.tuxfamily.org)
LAPACK (http://www.netlib.org/lapack/)
libigl (http://libigl.github.io/libigl/)
OpenGL (https://www.opengl.org/)
GLEW (http://glew.sourceforge.net/) for non-mac OS


This program internally uses the following code.