- acetousk@moqui @coarchy @thebizapi
- aDotInTheVoid@ImperialCollegeLondon
- bid-p
- bpetterborgBowling Green, OH
- BryanmarcHuntington, West Virginia
- camronshawBath, Ohio
- Chrono-byte@HammerInstitute
- davisrw17
- edjubuhSan Diego, CA
- EdwardJXLiCodegen
- facchinmArduino
- faultline45
- gftaborUniversity of Utah
- HotelCaliforniaFORT Robotics
- iuyteElsewhere
- jeffrey-dot-li@cohere-ai
- JerrylumHong Kong Joint School Technology Education Association
- KoolKid10125
- m888r
- mPelland42
- novelalexOntario, Canada
- PLXTStank Industries
- pompshuffle
- Ravenwulf@Cyber-Shores
- rjanairo
- robonxt
- robspod
- roengle
- sealj553Massachusetts, USA
- Skyluker4The University of Arkansas
- tetex7I work for my own misery
- TranSebastian
- vihanbUC Berkeley. @apple
- will-conradUniversity of Virginia
- YnngUniversity of Waterloo
- Zayn-Rekhi