
HTTP Library written in C

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT


The uhttp provides a platform independent http implementation via the Azure C SDKs.


azure-uhttp-c depends on azure-c-shared.

azure-uhttp-c uses cmake for configuring build files.


  1. Clone azure-uhttp-c using the recursive option:
git clone --recursive https://github.com/Azure/azure-uhttp-c.git
  1. Create a folder called cmake under *azure-uhttp-c

  2. Switch to the cmake folder and run

cmake ..
  1. Build
cmake --build .

Installation and Use

Optionally, you may choose to install azure-c-shared-utility on your machine:

  1. Switch to the cmake folder and run

    cmake -Duse_installed_dependencies=ON ../
    cmake --build . --target install

    or install using the follow commands for each platform:

    On Linux:

    sudo make install
  2. Use it in your project (if installed)

    find_package(azure_uhttp_c REQUIRED CONFIG)
    target_link_library(yourlib uhttp)

If running tests, this requires that umock-c, azure-ctest, and azure-c-testrunnerswitcher, azure-c-shared-utility are installed (through CMake) on your machine.

Configuration options

In order to turn on/off the tlsio implementations use the following CMAKE options:

  • -Duse_custom_heap:bool={ON/OFF} - turns disables/enables the implementations in gballoc.c and requires that an external library implement the gballoc_malloc family.
  • -Dno_logging:bool={ON/OFF} - turns on/off logging
  • -Duse_openssl:bool={ON/OFF} - turns on/off the OpenSSL support. If this option is use an environment variable name OpenSSLDir should be set to point to the OpenSSL folder.
  • -Dmemory_trace:bool={ON/OFF} - turns on/off gballoc_xxx functions for memory alocation
  • -Duse_installed_dependencies:bool={ON/OFF} - turns on/off building azure-c-shared-utility using installed dependencies. This package may only be installed if this flag is ON.
  • -Drun_unittests:bool={ON/OFF} - enables building of unit tests. Default is OFF.


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