
Visualization of engines, entities, and components in the Unity inspector

Closed this issue · 11 comments

Are planning on developing something Unity inspector functionality in order to view engines, entities, and components?

It would be even more useful if we could add/remove and pause/resume them at runtime, too, just like with Entitas.

Hello! thanks for the question . The only visual thing right now is the Profiler, which tells you how long Add and Remove callbacks take. However it's not very useful tbh, as initially I was using to profile the loops as well, but now these profiles are done by svelto.Tasks.

I tend to use the editor as less as possible, but nothing stop you or someone else from creating what you need if you wish, then I will link it from everywhere I write :)

If you don't mind me asking, how are you inspecting what is going on in the game without using the editor?

I usually tinker around with the GameObject inspector and script variables, to see the value changes. It is very useful when you enable the debug mode.

That being said, I haven't used an ECS framework before; so my workflow may or may not make much sense when applied to the ECS context.

I see. With the implementors you can still do that with a sort of data binding system, but I don't suggest to use implementors as monobehavior just to hold data

Hi, I have a simple Inspector for Svelto.ECS. You can take a look here:

Current feature:

  • Svelto.ECS sytle (without MonoBehaviour)
  • Using reflection
  • Support field and setter/getter
  • Support custom component drawer
  • Support custom type drawer
  • * Not support Collection
  • * Can't automatically inspect class or struct, you need to create your own type/component drawer

* need suggestion how to implement this :D

If you have suggestion, please let me know.

This is very cool thanks!! Let me know if you want me to put in the main read me of Svelto

@leopripos That is very cool. I will try it as soon as I get the chance. Thanks for sharing!

@sebas77 main readme please, thanks :)

@starikcetin thanks. let me know if you have any problem with it.

I am doing it, but I suggest to add some screen shots and don't forget to update to the last version

yeah, I'll continuously improve it.

Now, i'm working on array and list support.