
You may help me with the wiki page

Closed this issue · 15 comments

give me feedback and I am also filling this page so if you have questions let me know:

Some examples about binding between the Systems and Unity's built-in components such as Rigidbody and Colliders might be good. For example "How to communicate with the Rigidbody?"

Hey, I have read all of @sebas77 articles and have been reading through the ECS.Vanilla to try and implement this ECS with a monogame project.

When making a EntitySubmissionScheduler to pass into the engine root. The method that is the WeakAction parameter inside the EntitySubmissionScheduler's schedule method, should that WeakAction be just be a method that is called in the game's primary Update() in it's lifecycle?

also are there any other modifications i might need to look at to get it running in a non unity environment?

@Blucky87 if you need help this weekend I may be available! Hope to see it working in monogame :)

@sebas77 I won't be able to really get started until the end of this semester at university. I be posting in the gitter chat with architecture questions and will be happy to give some feedback.

may 10th. but I start an internship on jun 4. I think I should have enough time to get something up and running. I plan to make just a simple 2d secret of mana style game. nothing complicated, but I want to have testable code, and implement good design patterns and practices. be sure to watch my repo otiose for updates.

I stopped after implementing rebindable controls because I didn't like the ECS the monogame framework Nez uses. I very much like the idea of sequences in svelto.ecs as well as your entityview idea, but I have't really started to use it yet, just reading the code. I would like to make some wiki posts also.

cool very good.

I am also thinking, if any of you have any question, you can add the question in the FAQ section and I reply when I have the time.

Any news on this?

@MadBanny thanks a lot for the Russian version! Soon I will update it to the 2.5 version

@sebas77 First of all, thank you for the useful tool. I'll wait for the update

@MadBanny I can't understand Russian, but would you mind moving the links under the Russian Language I added on the sidebar? I am not sure how it is going to work out, but may be it's better? No rush, it's just to see if it's a bit tider