
New article is up

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it comes together with Svelto 2.5 :)

It will take time to clean it up and test everything properly, but I am ready for feedback!

Very cool. I briefly skimmed your article and am very glad you decided to keep this project going even with Unity's ECS being developed. I very much like the svelto.ecs approach over the other c# alternatives for monogame.

I saw that you mentioned not being fully knowledgeable on Unity's ECS. i have watched many of Unity's videos and this one from Mike Acton walks through it and he is the lead on the project i believe.

Keep up the good work! I plan on checking out and converting some of my stuff to the 2.5 version.

Hey Brian at the moment there is no reason to prefer unity ECS over svelto. Both have cons and pros, beside we can't literally switch as our projects are based on svelto. The videos are OK but not enough for me to understand the limitations and benefits of unity ECS, for that I need to study their source code.

BTW are you already using svelto with monogame? If so I want to check it out absolutely :)