- 4
CAN bus error status
#133 opened by Kheirlb - 3
Seems not to work with node-js 22
#136 opened by MyHomeMyData - 15
Error Message Filter
#90 opened by bdcdekimo - 4
Request: Return errno from native send()
#130 opened by poppfd - 9
#91 opened by fabdrol - 1
#113 opened by Kheirlb - 3
Serial/TCP to CAN Proxy
#127 opened by ptorrent - 3
Nodejs 19 unable to return new can.RawChannel
#131 opened by SirJamesBrown - 1
create channel fail in nest.js
#132 opened by Dingcy - 12
Register a listener very silent
#128 opened by dsir-minute - 2
PEAK System PCAN-USB with example
#126 opened by ptorrent - 1
- 0
Hosted Docs
#124 opened by milesstoetzner - 2
Improve typescript documentation/support
#112 opened by Kheirlb - 6
can id data type
#121 opened by haticenurel - 11
- 1
setRxFilters - formatting the bit mask
#114 opened - 1
TypeScript Support
#101 opened by sapkra - 14
- 4
- 4
Install on node 16 failes
#104 opened by martijndierckx - 7
J1939 support
#88 opened by HappyDias - 5
Time to make some updates
#102 opened by daverathbone - 3
serial port ?
#99 opened by ptorrent - 1
node can with SYSTEC interface
#98 opened by hazerty565 - 5
Not working with Worker thread.
#97 opened by alexey11231 - 2
#95 opened by grodansparadis - 4
Error in installing in raspbian
#94 opened by robodevchampion - 3
OSX compatibility
#93 opened by jbonnett92 - 2
#92 opened by juliomiguel1 - 3
Add method to set bitrate
#75 opened by dawn-minion - 3
Won't build on node:lts-alpine image
#89 opened by fabdrol - 12
Length not apply from kcd file when sending signals
#86 opened by TIB28 - 7
- 1
- 3
- 0
Project fails to build with NodeJS 13.x
#81 opened by dawn-minion - 18
Node process stalling on specific target
#77 opened by juleq - 2
- 5
Problems installing on arch
#74 opened by ptiza-v-nebe - 0
Request to publish package on npmjs
#73 opened by PrasaanthSridharan - 0
Issues building with latest Node 12
#71 opened by PrasaanthSridharan - 0
Can't compile on recent kernel
#69 opened by pierreinglebert - 1
- 1
Publish new version
#67 opened by pierreinglebert - 2
- 1
Network definition file (*.kcd): Doc and generation?
#66 opened by hfjg - 10
Support Node >8
#63 opened by team-p5x - 1
Debugging `err: true` on a lot of messages
#62 opened by brandonros - 1
Extended frames example
#61 opened by brandonros