Prediction of conserved cross-species B-cell linear epitopes

This repository contains information on the steps followed to identify conserved cross species b-cell linear epitopes associated with human malaria


Scripts included in this analysis were run on

  • Bash
    • Conda environment.
  • R
  • Nextflow
    • Conda and Docker used to run different programs
    • Whole genome sequencing data from field isolates used to analyze the conservation of individual predicted antigens containing epitopes of interest.
  • Prediction tools including Deeploc, WoLF PSORT, Phobius, Bepipred 2.0 and Deeploc


Downloading Plasmodium data and clustering redundant proteins

Plasmodium proteins from five species associated with human malaria were downloaded and CD-HIT was used to remove redundant proteins with a threshold of 90%.

Subcellular prediction

WOLF PSORT( and Deeploc ( were used to predict the subcellular location of the proteins using P. falciparum as the reference organism. Extracellular and membrane bound proteins were then selected based on the Rscript subcellular_location_pred.R Intracellular proteins were also eliminated using their protein names (

Surfaceome prediction

The presence of a signal peptide and transmembrane helice predicted by using Phobius ( Proteins with one signal peptide or one transmembrane helix were selected using the Rscript surfaceome_analysis.R

Merozoite protein selection

We retrieved mass spectrometry data on proteins located on the late schizont-merozoite stage and cross-selected against proteins located on the surface of the cell

B-cell linear epitope prediction

We utilized Bepipred 2.0 and Epidope ( to predict epitopes. Bepipred 2.0 is a tool used to predict the presence of b-cell linear epitopes. We then made an R script bepipred_extractor.R. Currently, Bepipred 2.0 is hosted at DTU University found here Bepipred accepts a maximum of 50 protein sequences and 300,000 amino acids per submission with the length ranging from 10-300000. The output for multiple protein sequences can be downloaded in the form of a CSV file. However, the output contains raw b-cell epitope sequences and takes time to process especially on epitopes that meet the defined threshold of 0.5. Herein I tried to extract the exposed epitopes that met the threshold score of 0.5. The final output file is in the form of a table containing the protein_ID, start and end position, epitope sequence, and length. The first trial is run with 50 protein sequences.

B-cell epitope analysis

We used BLAST to create a non-falciparum and human database and blasted the predicted B-cell linear epitopes against these database. We selected epitopes that had percentage similarity > 70, coverage>95% and length 10-30 amino acids. We further used Vaxijen 2.0 ( to check for antigenicity, AllerTop ( for allergenicity and ToxinPred( for toxicity. We selected epitopes that were cross-species, non-human, non-allergen, non-toxic and antigenic.

Conservation analysis

We analyzed 27 locally sequenced isolated using the nextflow pipeline We obtained variant calling files and used the script to extract amino acid sequences containing the peptides of interest.