
Ensure your passwords are strong with by passing their hashes through pass_audit.

Primary LanguageC

Charles Sedgwick

PW_Crack Overview


make: will build PW_Crack without debugging 

make all: same as make

make pw_crack: same as make

make debug: will build pw_crack with debugging set
-> there will be extra info printed to the log and STDOUT

make clean: will remove  *.o and executable files from build directory

pw_crack[_debug] -n NUM WORDS HASHES: will execute FSchecksum. 
-> NUM, WORDS and FILE are not optional. 
-> If NUM is not greater than zero a default value is used (5)
-> if WORD or HASHES are not valid files, PW_Crack will exit in with an error. 
-> The NUM argument represents the number of
   worker threads that pw_crack will create