The hassle-free way to integrate analytics into any node application.
- 2
- 1
context.device.token ignored
#376 opened by joseconstela - 0
Track call fails when property has bigint attribute
#375 opened by rgaino - 8
Support middleware functions
#348 opened by Mihailoff - 2
- 6
- 6
Typescript support
#349 opened by agyimr - 6
Cross-Domain Misconfiguration
#359 opened by quipo - 43
- 4
Add support for es6
#283 opened by icco - 13
analytics-node might cause an unhandledRejection
#320 opened by yigaldviri - 4
- 1
Npm version update for Axios Version update
#343 opened by esker - 0
Areas for Performance Improvements
#334 opened by kanishk1 - 0
Including sentAt in the event payload of /v1/batch request makes specified timestamp ignored
#338 opened by pavelbely - 5
#302 opened by aaronadamsCA - 10
Unhandled Promise Rejection Can Crash App
#326 opened by GCAndrew - 2
Method types out of sync with implementation
#307 opened by AndrewZelaya - 2
Resolve vulnerability axios 0.21.4
#337 opened by mxpaspa - 1
- 5
- 6
- 4
Issue using analytics within Lambda functions
#305 opened by mikeblanton - 2
- 2
- 0
- 1
Flush on first message should be explicit configurable
#314 opened by ioann - 1
Bad Request (400) when batching
#313 opened by yonatandbinahai - 1
`enque` callback called twice when flush is triggered
#308 opened by yo1dog - 7
Inconsistent `track` callback behaviour
#300 opened by BrandonNoad - 5
Promise returned by flush never rejects (and possible tests that do not work properly)
#287 opened by Dahaden - 8
5.1.0 no data is sent to segment
#297 opened by renanbronchart - 4
Console Error "axiosRetry is not a function"
#304 opened by soldmtrieu - 1
This spread operator is not supported in node v8.2.1
#298 opened by raymercb - 4
Add jitter to retry timeout
#284 opened by Dahaden - 3
Would be nice if there was analytics.debug()
#286 opened by fourcolors - 5
analytics-node doesn't work in Chrome/Firefox extension environments as advertised
#282 opened by conoremclaughlin - 3
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- 2
Complete Circleci tests and code coverage above 80%
#266 opened by nd4p90x - 1
[Amplitude] Customize platform field
#249 opened by AMoreaux - 1
Adding support with class validator
#265 opened by sagi-arbroknot - 3
Using in client IE
#254 opened by denisManch - 3
Unable to install analytics-node
#250 opened by abhinavchawla - 4
Bug: the options.axiosInstance is no longer used
#272 opened by kylezeeuwen - 0
#267 opened by Rmadhuprasanth - 6
- 1
`npm install analytics-node@latest` installs beta instead of stable version
#256 opened by stephledev - 4