
Saving data to a file for later analysis

foxittt opened this issue · 7 comments


Is it possible to implement the saving of data streams(UBX, NMEA, RTCM) in the appropriate files for further analysis.

Hi @foxittt

PyGPSClient already supports datalogging:

PyGPSClient datalogging

Simply click the 'Enable Datalog' checkbox prior to connecting to your receiver and select the required format (binary, parsed, hex string or tabular hex). You'll be prompted to select the folder into which the timestamped datalog files are saved. If you wish to replay the datalog within PyGPSClient, choose the binary format.

The saved datalog file name includes a timestamp, e.g. pygpsdata-20220425095304.log

If you only want to log a particular protocol (e.g. UBX or RTCM), simply de-select the protocols you don't want to see using the 'Protocols Displayed' checkboxes:

PyGPSClient Protocols Displayed

Hope this helps (this information is all in the README, by the way).

Thanks for answer.
Trying to log rtcm stream from ntripserver.
But there is the mistake.

For what purpose, out of interest? What 'further analysis' would you be looking to undertake?

For example, how different parameters change during the day: the number of visible satellites, how a certain location changes compared to the true and compared to the average.

OK fair enough. It's simple enough to include the incoming NTRIP data in the datalog file. I'll put it on the backlog.

Note that DGPS corrections will only be applied to a connected receiver from a LIVE NTRIP data stream, not from a pre-recorded datalog file.

@foxittt I've uploaded a branch which contains enhancements to support NTRIP datalogging. If you want to install and try this version out and let me know how you get on, that would be very helpful.

I`ll try!