
Example data output incorrect?

kc199 opened this issue · 8 comments

kc199 commented

Hi, I had a question about the correct output for the test data included in the Github. I downloaded test.cram from mutserve/test-data/mtdna/cram/input/, and also downloaded the latest version of mutserve, v2.0.0-rc12. I then ran the tool as follows:

./mutserve call test.cram --reference rCRS.fasta --output TEST.vcf.gz

The tool completed but in the resulting variant file, I only have 51 variants, several of which say "STRAND_BIAS". However, in the output file you have posted to the github under mutserve/test-data/mtdna/cram/output/variants.txt, there are 85 variants, none of which say "STRAND_BIAS" e.g. all are "PASS".

I was wondering why my output does not match yours; perhaps I'm running mutserve incorrectly? Thanks!

Dear kc199,

You should run both files test.cram and test1.cram to get the correct result, as the output file contains the variants of both samples.

kc199 commented
kc199 commented

will double check and let you know

kc199 commented
kc199 commented

When executing both files and grep for PASS the output is identical to the output on github (85 variants). The txt also includes now a filter column including variants which are not passed. But if you grep for PASS you should get the same output. Hope this helps!

./mutserve call test*.cram --reference rCRS.fasta --output test.txt
cat test.txt | grep PASS | wc -l

Fyi, the input are both test input files, test.cram and test1.cram.