
bash scripts and other stuff I always google

Primary LanguageShell

scripts for genetics

Bash scripts and other stuff I always google

Category Description Author
simple genetics bash scripts vcf.gz commands Seb
bcftools vcf.gz commands Seb
docker basic docker commands Seb
realign realign BAM file Seb
imputation prepare data for Michigan Imputation Server Seb
chip-data create vcf files from Illumina data Seb
1GP3 download 1000 Genomes lpa data Hansi

Extract zips with passwords (e.g. from MIS)

Save script in same folder as zips and run with ./script.sh

for FILE in *.zip;
do 7z x -p"$1" $FILE;

Delete all Docker containers

 docker rm -vf $(docker ps -a -q)

Delete all Docker images

  docker rmi -f $(docker images -a -q)

Replace SPACE with TAB

sed -e 's/ /\t/g' <in> > <out>