
Tower API couldn't be called for workflow submission

Closed this issue · 7 comments

I have a pipeline and have run it successfully many times before. I always use Nextflow Tower in other to monitor my pipeline. However, today I got an error engaging to Tower API, which couldn't be called when running the pipeline.

N E X T F L O W  ~  version 23.04.2
Launching `nana/` [clever_meninsky] DSL2 - revision: a818d67225
Unexpected response for request

I suppose that could be the maintenance of Nextflow Tower, hope to get some notice.

Today, when I rerun pipeline for comapny, I also meet this errors🥺

cbr7 commented

@Truongphi20 @minhtrung1997 was the error persistent or was it only happening sometimes? Did you try executing any other pipelines to see if the error is pipeline specific or more systemic in nature? Also it would be good to know if you tried to execute the pipeline from tower UI after it failed from CLI? And if so was the execution successful in that case?

@cbr7 I definitely confirmed that it happens every time the pipeline is started. I only run it on CLI

Use GUI, also failed:

Tower agent gets stuck at API

By the way, 3h later, it work 👍

Now, It also works for me too. 👍

jordeu commented

Closing; not directly related to Tower CLI and seems a transient connectivity issue that was somehow solved.