
Build fails: unresolved import `RCUTILS_LOG_SEVERITY`

aln8 opened this issue · 7 comments

aln8 commented

Hi there, I've tried to run the standard publish example, but got some issues.

What I did :

# clone the git repo
source /opt/ros/foxy/setup.bash
cd r2r
cargo build

Cargo error:

   Compiling r2r v0.6.6 (/app/r2r/r2r)
error[E0432]: unresolved import `RCUTILS_LOG_SEVERITY`
  --> r2r/src/
63 |         use RCUTILS_LOG_SEVERITY::*;
   |             ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ use of undeclared type `RCUTILS_LOG_SEVERITY`

error[E0412]: cannot find type `RCUTILS_LOG_SEVERITY` in this scope
  --> r2r/src/
62 |     fn to_native(&self) -> RCUTILS_LOG_SEVERITY {
   |                            ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ not found in this scope

error[E0425]: cannot find value `RCUTILS_LOG_SEVERITY_UNSET` in this scope
  --> r2r/src/
65 |             LogSeverity::Unset => RCUTILS_LOG_SEVERITY_UNSET,
   |                                   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ not found in this scope

error[E0425]: cannot find value `RCUTILS_LOG_SEVERITY_DEBUG` in this scope
  --> r2r/src/
66 |             LogSeverity::Debug => RCUTILS_LOG_SEVERITY_DEBUG,
   |                                   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ not found in this scope

error[E0425]: cannot find value `RCUTILS_LOG_SEVERITY_INFO` in this scope
  --> r2r/src/
67 |             LogSeverity::Info => RCUTILS_LOG_SEVERITY_INFO,
   |                                  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ not found in this scope

error[E0425]: cannot find value `RCUTILS_LOG_SEVERITY_WARN` in this scope
  --> r2r/src/
68 |             LogSeverity::Warn => RCUTILS_LOG_SEVERITY_WARN,
   |                                  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ not found in this scope

error[E0425]: cannot find value `RCUTILS_LOG_SEVERITY_ERROR` in this scope
  --> r2r/src/
69 |             LogSeverity::Error => RCUTILS_LOG_SEVERITY_ERROR,
   |                                   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ not found in this scope

error[E0425]: cannot find value `RCUTILS_LOG_SEVERITY_FATAL` in this scope
  --> r2r/src/
70 |             LogSeverity::Fatal => RCUTILS_LOG_SEVERITY_FATAL,
   |                                   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ not found in this scope

What I've tried:

I noticed it this might be something related to r2r_rcl/ to generate, here are r2r_rcl build outputs:




Generate bindings file '/app/r2r/target/debug/build/r2r_rcl-767eccf1419ba33f/out/5c2228f77f6ab7d9477fa2290f42d66457149b31bbc7a1dddb8b55a7bdfae55e/'

Seems like binding is generated. I compare 5c2228f77f6ab7d9477fa2290f42d66457149b31bbc7a1dddb8b55a7bdfae55e/ with r2r/r2r_rcl/, the previous one doesn't contain enum RCUTILS_LOG_SEVERITY, I think that cause this issue.

No idea where I should go after this. Any suggestions will be appreciated.

aln8 commented

My environment:

MacOS Monterey 12.6 M1 pro chips
Example running in docker container:
ubuntu 20.04
kernel 5.10.124-linuxkit

rustc 1.67.0 (fc594f156 2023-01-24)
cargo 1.67.0 (8ecd4f20a 2023-01-10)

m-dahl commented


Thanks. My initial guess is that we accidentally dropped support for foxy (CI for foxy was removed a while back, so I wouldn't have noticed). If foxy important to you? This can probably be fixed, but I am not sure it is worth it since foxy is quite old by now.

aln8 commented

Thanks for responding.

You're right foxy will end of life on May 2023. Personally, I don't think it's worth fixing that.

For my team, we have some hardware that is hard to install ubuntu 22.04. Also, many modules are built with legacy C++ libraries, so it's hard to switch to a new GCC version and get direct support with humble. Those are my problems, I will go from here to see if I can do something.

Thanks for explanation : )

aln8 commented

Got some time today, I tested on my local
if I add .allowlist_type("RCUTILS_.*") on, then on ROS foxy it compile success. For my directly feeling, rust-bindgen shouldn't generate enum RCUTILS_LOG_SEVERITY for humble as well, no idea why it works.

m-dahl commented

Great! I didn't look into why it works on humble but I made a PR with your fix. If CI is ok for galactic and humble I will merge it.

aln8 commented

All I can think is galactic and humble's allowlist exports references RCUTILS_LOG_SEVERITY type. I can see CI pass, feel free to close this ticket.

m-dahl commented

I pushed 0.6.7 with this fix. Thanks again.