Teaching tools

  1. Teaching marker
  2. Teaching ghost
  3. Teaching tfbc

Teaching marker

TODO: add gif
TODO: marker pose preset service (and later gui) (to test marker pose in some frame)

An interactive marker that can be moved around in the world. The poseition of this marker is published and it can later be used to save new frames in the world, or update existing ones.

Teaching ghost

TODO: fix >=7dof robots last link removal? TODO: change tcp service (actually, this will be in the new broadcaster server)

An inverse kinematics solution is calulated all the time so that a ghost of the robot can follow the teaching marker around. This can be used to verify the joint pose of the robot for a marker pose, and also to move the actual (or simulated) robot to the ghosts joint pose as thepose is published with ns /ghost.

Teaching TFBC

The Teaching Test Frame BroadCaster publishes a few simple frames to tf so that these packages can independently be run and tested. It is not used in an actual launch or docker scenario where the actual tf broadcaster server is managing all the frames instead.