
Primary LanguagePython


Self driving robo car. Target functionality:

  • lane following (in progress)

  • obstacles avoiding (in progress)

  • road signs recognition (planned)

Architecture (in progress)


How to build

Be creative in case of problems.

Install ROS melodic: Ubuntu install of ROS Melodic

Activate standard environment:

source /opt/ros/melodic/setup.bash

Clone the repo

git clone --recurse-submodules git@github.com:serge-m/robocar_v2.git ~/robocar_v2

Then run

rosdep update
cd ~/robocar_v2/catkin_ws
rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src --rosdistro=melodic -y

To build all the nodes:

cd ~/robocar_v2/catkin_ws
catkin_make  install

How to run

Note: the project is under development. Things may not work. Be creative.


# launch the simulation
roslaunch robocar_main robocar.launch world_name:=$(rospack find robocar_world)/worlds/road.world simulation:=1    

track 8 shape v10


  • For mouse_odometry: add currect user to input group: sudo adduser $USER input, reboot to enable changes
  • ...