- 3
- 0
npm page missing
#189 opened by passivedragon - 0
#188 opened by alst-ovh - 2
IDEA: A new GUI manager for TingoDB for local projects only. Visit: ''
#157 opened by Himujjal - 0
- 3
Error: Cannot find module '../build/Release/bson'
#130 opened by DiesIrae - 0
update to MongoDB API 4.x?
#185 opened by biocyberman - 1
uuid in ObjectId
#184 opened by amehat - 4
Feature Request: Promise support
#181 opened by ajmas - 1
#183 opened by wormen - 1
- 1
Project Status?
#180 opened by ajmas - 2
Typescript definitions file
#153 opened by dyst5422 - 0
- 0
mongodb dependency
#177 opened by colinbes - 1
tingodb + Mongoose
#175 opened by Binom777 - 1
publish npm
#172 opened by apowers313 - 1
Website down?
#171 opened by apowers313 - 0
2.x and 3.x mongodb driver compatibility
#168 opened by yuriy-yarosh - 0
Porting to ES6+ with modern syntax
#169 opened by yuriy-yarosh - 3
Equivalent Native MongoDB version
#120 opened by colinbes - 2
toArray() Does Not Create a Promise
#160 opened by mikejr83 - 5
Documentation: Mongo API version?
#162 opened by apowers313 - 1
node.js deprecation warning
#163 opened by apowers313 - 3
- 1
Db.createCollection() does not return a Promise
#148 opened by binki - 0
- 1
- 0
#142 opened by JestDotty - 0
Compatiblility with --use-strict
#154 opened by n8duff - 6
Callback called multiple times on error
#145 opened by gabmontes - 0
[FR] write indexes in a separated file
#151 opened by farfromrefug - 1
$pull doesn't seem to work on an embedded collection
#149 opened by mably - 1
Is this compatible with */yield/co?
#122 opened by MRokas - 2
- 3
ошибка при insert
#140 opened by wormen - 7
#131 opened by wormen - 2
Memory (RAM) usage
#141 opened by colinbes - 2
Unexpected identifier when querying $in with strings that have ['] character
#137 opened by diogoduailibe - 3
Bug when global variable is insert document?
#126 opened by wgerven - 1
Website Down
#136 opened by egucciar - 1
Can not install tingodb from npm
#129 opened by tareq89 - 2
trying to insert getting wiered wqueue error
#132 opened by foxjazz - 2
Find in array
#135 opened by daaru00 - 0
DBRefs support
#134 opened by daaru00 - 1
- 2
Is it safe to access the same on-disk db from multiple seperate node.js processes?
#124 opened by lmaccherone - 2
Persisting of secondary indexes to disk?
#125 opened by wgerven - 1
- 1
weird bug when trying to save a document in the database : all the fields are not populated
#121 opened by jlucidar