- 9
A Serilog sink that'd use OpenTelemetry SDK
#159 opened by srogovtsev - 3
TraceId and SpanId missing in .NET 6.0
#161 opened by mazmar - 3
- 4
Include unit tests for .NET framework and instructions for setting up activity traces
#157 opened by alsi-lawr - 12
- 4
- 3
HttpMessageHandler cannot be configured when initialization Serilog.Sinks.OpenTelemetry via configuration
#127 opened by HHobeck - 2
Mapping enrichers with Resource attributes
#119 opened by cecilphillip - 3
Option to send spans to the logs endpoint
#154 opened by srogovtsev - 0
- 1
- 0
Recognize spans and send via OTLP traces endpoint
#138 opened by nblumhardt - 2
LogRecord array attributes
#144 opened by pavel-faltynek - 4
Add a ConfigurationMethod to Populate ResourceAttributes-dictionary from appsettings.json
#107 opened by MikkelPorse - 9
- 0
Cannot set IncludedData from appsettings.json
#132 opened by binginsin - 12
IHostingEnvironment::EnvironmentName and ApplicationName should be mapped per default
#128 opened by HHobeck - 5
Discussion: How to pass message template to WriteTo.OpenTelemetry() method?
#124 opened by sharifmamun - 7
Question: Does this allow us to return to Serilog for distributed tracing ?
#55 opened by johnkattenhorn - 2
Runtime exception when trying to configure to send logs to OpenTelemetry collector
#121 opened by sharifmamun - 0
Configure Logger headers declaratively with JSON
#120 opened by frank-ang - 0
- 9
Span and Trace Id not populated on log events
#114 opened by NicolaiOksen - 3
Unable to send logs to OpenTelemetry backend (using Serilog in .Net framework 4.8)
#109 opened by pvsunilkumar - 0
- 3
- 5
- 2
SpanId and TraceId remains similar
#93 opened by Veeraraghavans - 1
Connection confusion in gRPC package
#97 opened by stoeren - 2
OpenTelemetry serilog ApplicationInsight
#95 opened by makinsc - 4
- 20
- 4
OpenTelemetry Specification compliance
#86 opened by pellared - 6
- 8
- 0
- 2
- 14
- 2
fix command line example
#69 opened by loomis - 0
- 3
Move less-frequently-used configuration options out of the inline `WriteTo.OpenTelemetry()` overload
#61 opened by nblumhardt - 4
- 6
Consider making class OpenTelemetrySink public.
#58 opened by rachwal - 1
update proto definition to 0.19.0
#64 opened by loomis - 1
Approval Tests for public API surface area
#62 opened by nblumhardt - 0
- 1
Add the ability to use a custom HttpMessageHandler
#51 opened by ubik - 0
- 0
- 2
Log events not setting field ObservedTimestamp
#44 opened by ewilansky