
This repository contains my configuration files for happy marriage with vim and bash

Primary LanguageVim Script


Okay, so I managed to come up with BASH script install that one can simply run and get all of the "dotfiles".


This script deletes all current, files and directories listed below and replaces them with symbolik link from git source to the user's home directory.


Actually right now script only deletes symbolik links and wont do anything if it find actual file or directory. I hope in future to modify the script to look for relevant files and directories, back them up and then remove them all irrespective if it is symlink or actual file/directory.

By the way Each directory contains specific dot files together with some handy cheatsheets


My dotfiles set history per directory and I got the code for it from here

Setting up instant markdown for vim

  • need to have nodejs installed sudo apt-get install nodejs (on Ubuntu)
  • also install nmp sudo apt-get install nmp
  • follow this link for the rest of instructions