PALMdb is a database of viral polymerase palmprint (barcode) sequences classified (1) by taxonomy and (2) by clustering sequences into species-like operational taxonomic units (OTUs) at 90% identity. PALMdb was created using the palmscan algorithm to mine public sequence databases.
Added new sequences generated by the Serratus project, see paper on biorxiv.
The palmprint is a ~100aa segment of the viral polymerase gene delineated by the conserved catalytic motifs "A" and "C" in the palm sub-domain.
Releases are posted in sub-directories named YYYY-MM-DD
giving the date the release was posted. Files are in FASTA (for sequences) or tab-separated values (TSV, for annotations). Files and formats are subject to change between releases.
+--- acc_taxid.tsv # 1. source accession 2. NCBI TaxID
+--- acc_u.tsv # 1. source accession 2. unique sequence identifier u<nnn>
+--- otu_centroids.fa # OTU centroid sequences
+--- sources.fa # palmprints from all source databases
+--- species_ncbi_ictv.tsv # 1. species name 2. bothdbs/onedb 3. NCBI TaxID 4. ICTV Version.SortID
+--- taxon.tsv # 1. NCBI TaxID 2. name 3. clade names superkingdom...species
+--- u_otu.tsv # 1. u<nnn> 2. u<nnn> of OTU centroid
+--- uniques.fa # unique sequences from sources.fa, relabeled as u<nnn>
+--- u_tax.tsv # tab-separated file with approximate taxonomy assignments for uniques.
A. Babaian and R. C. Edgar (2021), Ribovirus classification by a polymerase barcode sequence, biorxiv
R. C. Edgar et al. (2021), Petabase-scale sequence alignment catalyses viral discovery, biorxiv