plugins function doesn't respect plugins in multiple folders
alec-hoyland opened this issue · 3 comments
alec-hoyland commented
plugins function doesn't respect plugins in multiple folders
sg-s commented
alec-hoyland commented
There's a small bug in the plugins
function that causes it to break for plugins not in the same folder the crabsort plugins ones. I'm going to fix it now.
here is the body of the error:
>> crabsort.plugins
Error using cellfun
All of the input arguments must be of the same size and shape.
Previous inputs had size 1 in dimension 1. Input #3 has size 3
Error in crabsort/plugins (line 24)
p.(plugin_types{j}) = [p.(plugin_types{j}); cellfun(@(x) strrep(x, '.m',''), a.m, 'UniformOutput',false)];
What went wrong?
All I've done is added a plugin to ~/code/umap-matlab-wrapper/+csRedDim/UMAP.m
What's the fix?
There's a small bug in a loop in the plugins
function. I'll fix it in a sec.
alec-hoyland commented
Desired Behavior:
>> crabsort.plugins
The following plugins for crabsort have been installed:
Plugin type: csloadFile
Plugin type: csRedDim
Plugin type: csCluster