
Add the inferior oesophageal nerve (ION) to the Crabsort GUI

jellyjamjan opened this issue · 1 comments

Add the inferior oesophageal nerve (ION) to the Crabsort GUI
sg-s commented

You can add any nerve you want by modifying the pref file:

type "edit pref" in the MATLAB prompt and change the line where the nerves are specified
This is the section you want to change:

% what are the possible names of nerves, units, channels?
channel_names = sort({'ogn','dgn','gpn','lgn','lpn','lvn','mgn','mvn','pdn','temperature','pyn','PD','AB','LPG','LP','IC','LG','MG','GM','PY','VD','Int1','DG','AM','pH'});

% specify which units exist on which nerves
nerve2neuron.ogn = {'MCN1','OMN'};
nerve2neuron.PY = 'PY';
nerve2neuron.LP = 'LP';
nerve2neuron.PD = 'PD';
nerve2neuron.lpn = 'LP';
nerve2neuron.pdn = 'PD';
nerve2neuron.pyn = {'PY', 'LPG'};
nerve2neuron.lvn = {'LP','PD','GM'};
nerve2neuron.lgn = {'LG','MG'};
nerve2neuron.mvn = {'VD','IC','PY'};
nerve2neuron.dgn = {'DG','GM','AGR'};
nerve2neuron.dvn = {'DG','MG','AGR'};