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Process Drosophila melanogaster RNA-seq data of into RefEx RDF format.



Build a HISAT2 index

$ cwltool /path/to/pitagora-cwl/tools/hisat2/index/hisat2_index.cwl --reference_fasta genome/dmel-all-chromosome-r6.28.fasta --index_basename dmel_index

Extract FlyBase annotations from the genome annotation.

$ awk -F "\t" '$2=="FlyBase"&&/FB/{print}' dmel-all-filtered-r6.28.gff > dmel-all-filtered-r6.28.fb.gff

Each sample has 2 runs.
Sort SraRunTable by BioSample ID and output in the format like: BioSample_ID GEO_Sample_ID SRR,SRR

$ sort -k 1,1 SraRunTable.txt | awk -F "\t" 'FNR%2==0{printf $1 "\t" $10 "\t" $8 ","} FNR%2==1&&FNR!=1{print $8}' > sampleid_run_pairs.txt

Generate lots of yml files for each sample. There should be a better method.

$ awk -F "\t" '{print "run_ids: [" $3 "]\ngene_tpm_output_filename: stringtie_gene_" $1 ".tsv\noutput_filename: stringtie_out_" $1 ".tsv" > $1 ".yml"}' sampleid_run_pairs.tsv

Calculate TPM values for each gene and output as stringtie_gene_SAMN*.tsv.

$ for f in SAMN*yml; do cat hisat2-stringtie_wf_se_common.yml $f > cat_$f; cwltool --singularity /path/to/hisat2-stringtie_wf_se.cwl cat_$f; rm $f cat_$f; done

hisat2-stringtie_wf_se.cwl might fail at the fastq-dump step, because of a network problem or sth.
Ensure that all the expected files were successfully output before proceeding.

Extract TPM values from the stringtie outputs and output to a single table file.

$ awk -f merge_tpm.awk stringtie_gene_SAMN*.tsv > tpm.tsv

Group samples according to the sample annotation file and make tables.

$ awk -f create_sample_table.awk -v eachsample_table_file=droso2017_refextable_eachsample.tsv -v sample_table_file=droso2017_refextable_sample.tsv sampleid_run_pairs.txt GSE99574_All_samples_with_title.txt

Then output the turtle files.

$ cwltool [--singularity] rdfize_refex_entry_wf.cwl rdfize_refex_entry_wf.yml
$ cwltool [--singularity] rdfize_refex_sample_wf.cwl rdfize_refex_sample_wf.yml