Topic tools for treating ROS messages as type-erased variants.
Author(s): Ralf Kaestner
Maintainer: Ralf Kaestner
Licsense: GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL)
Operating system(s): Debian-based Linux, Mac OS X
Package PPA: Not available
This project provides a partially templated C++ API for treating ROS messages as type-erased variants. Similar to the Python API of ROS, it thus renders ROS messages and their members accessible without the requirement for including any message headers at compile time. The goal of this functionality is to encourage developers to contribute more C++ packages which are intended to inspect and operate on any message type.
This project further provides a test package which practically demonstrates API usage by example.
The maintainers of this project do not yet provide binary packages.
This project may be built from source using catkin.
Here, we assume you intend to build the project for the ROS distribution
The build dependencies of this project are available from the standard package repositories of recent Ubuntu and ROS releases. To install them, simply use the command
sudo apt-get install ros-ROS_DISTRO-roscpp, ros-ROS_DISTRO-std-msgs
Assuming that you have cloned the project sources into PROJECT_DIR
, you
may attempt to build this project using catkin as follows:
Create the directory structure for your catkin workspace by issuing
mkdir -p CATKIN_WS_DIR/src
Assuming that your ROS environment has been set up properly, initialize the catkin workspace using the command
catkin_init_workspace CATKIN_WS_DIR/src
Individually link the directories containing the project's package source trees into your catkin workspace source directory through
ln -sf PROJECT_DIR/roscpp_nodewrap* CATKIN_WS_DIR/src
Switch into the catkin workspace directory by
In the catkin workspace directory, run
to start the build
This project does not yet build its API documentation. Some basic documentation is however inlined with the interface definitions and can thus be found in the source headers.
If you would like to propose a feature for this project, please consider contributing or send a feature request to the project authors. Bugs may be reported through the project's issue page.
For additional information of the Robot Operating System (ROS), please refer to the official ROS documentation.
Indigo | Jade | Kinetic | |
variant |
Indigo | Jade | Kinetic | |
variant | |||
variant_msgs | |||
variant_topic_test | |||
variant_topic_tools |