
Back-end for a clinical trial electronic data capture (EDC) system prototype.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Front-End Repo: https://github.com/shaider0/clinical2020client Deployed Client: https://shaider0.github.io/clinical2020client/#/

Clinical2020 is a case report form system that allows organizations involved in conducting clinical research to store clinical data collected from patients who participate in their studies.

#Technologies Used

-ReactJS: Front-end framework -Express: Back-end framework -NodeJS: JavaScript Runtime -MongoDB: NoSQL Database -Mongoose: Object Data Modeling

#How the App works

The current version of the application is an early prototype which gives users the ability to

  1. Sign up
  2. Sign in
  3. Create a new patient
  4. Enter information about a patient
  5. View information entered about a patient
  6. Edit previously entered information about a patient
  7. Delete a patient
  8. For a given patient, create a physical exam
  9. Enter the results of the exam
  10. View results of previous exams
  11. Edit existing exams
  12. Delete existing exams
  13. Create a payment
  14. Enter information about a payment
  15. View previous payments
  16. Edit existing payments
  17. Delete existing payments

#Future Improvements

In future iterations, additional assessment types beyond physical exam will be added. Unsolved problems that will be addressed in future iterations include: -Using date as an input type (e.g., using MomentJS library) for all date data -Automatically calculating payments

#Planning, Process, and Problem-solving

  1. Understand project requirements
  2. Develop wireframes & user stories
  3. Define entity relationships
  4. Build & test back-end
  5. Build and test front-end
  6. Remove bugs
  7. Improve UX & style
  8. Complete documentation

#Set up and Installation

No additional setup necessary. Just sign up with a username and password, sign in, and you're good to go! Please use fake email addresses and passwords when using this application

#Entity Relationship Diagram

#Routes and Methods

Verb URL Pattern Controller#Action
POST /sign-up users#signup
POST /sign-in users#signin
DELETE /sign-out users#signout
PATCH /change-password users#changepw
GET /patients patients#index
POST /patients patients#create
GET /patients/:id patients#show
PATCH /patients/:id patients#update
DELETE /patients/:id patients#destroy
POST /patients/:id/physicals physicals#create
GET /patients/:id/physicals physicals#index
GET /patients/:id/physicals/:id physicals#show
PATCH /patients/:id/physicals/:id physicals#update
DELETE /patients/:id/physicals/:id physicals#destroy
GET /payments payments#index
POST /payments payments#create
GET /payments/:id payments#show
PATCH /payments/:id payments#update
DELETE /payments/:id payments#destroy

#Setup and Installation N/A