
Front-end for a clinical trial electronic data capture (EDC) system prototype.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Back-End Repo: https://github.com/shaider0/clinical2020api Deployed Back End: https://clinical2020.herokuapp.com/

Clinical2020 is a case report form system that allows organizations involved in conducting clinical research to store clinical data collected from patients who participate in their studies.

Technologies Used

  • ReactJS: Front-end framework
  • Express: Back-end framework
  • NodeJS: JavaScript Runtime
  • MongoDB: NoSQL Database
  • Mongoose: Object Data Modeling

How the App works

The current version of the application is an early prototype which gives users the ability to

  1. Sign up
  2. Sign in
  3. Create a new patient
  4. Enter information about a patient
  5. View information entered about a patient
  6. Edit previously entered information about a patient
  7. Delete a patient
  8. For a given patient, create a physical exam
  9. Enter the results of the exam
  10. View results of previous exams
  11. Edit existing exams
  12. Delete existing exams
  13. Create a payment
  14. Enter information about a payment
  15. View previous payments
  16. Edit existing payments
  17. Delete existing payments

Future Improvements

In future iterations, additional assessment types beyond physical exam will be added. Unsolved problems that will be addressed in future iterations include:

  • Using date as an input type (e.g., using MomentJS library) for all date data
  • Automatically calculating payments

Planning, Process, and Problem-solving

  1. Understand project requirements
  2. Develop wireframes & user stories
  3. Define entity relationships
  4. Build & test back-end
  5. Build and test front-end
  6. Remove bugs
  7. Improve UX & style
  8. Complete documentation

User Stories

As a user, I want to be able to log in, create, view, edit, and delete information about patients in my studies. I also want to be able to perform these same actions for specific assessments completed on my patients, such as physical exams. I also want to be able to generate payment information (e.g., to be used to create an invoice) based on the work I've done for the study (in this case, data entry)


Screenshot of deployed client