
This GitHub repository contains a set of batch scripts that help users manage their Windows Defender Firewall settings. These scripts allow users to block all incoming and outgoing connections, except for Google Chrome and other selected programs, and revert the changes to unblock internet access for all applications.

Primary LanguageBatchfile


This GitHub repository contains a set of batch scripts that help users manage their Windows Defender Firewall settings. These scripts allow users to block all incoming and outgoing connections, except for Google Chrome and other selected programs, and revert the changes to unblock internet access for all applications.


Block internet access for all applications except Google Chrome: A batch script that blocks all inbound and outbound connections while creating an exception for Google Chrome, allowing it to access the internet. You may also add other programs.

Unblock internet access for all applications: A batch script that resets the Windows Defender Firewall settings to default, unblocking internet access for all applications.

Note: These scripts should be run with administrator privileges for proper functioning. Users should also verify the path to the .exe file in the scripts if their installation is located in a different directory.