Implement all instructions for RISC-V including Branch instructions. This repository will provide the automation flow for running the design into hardware.
There is a change in the interface of the cpu.v file in order for the evaluation backend to be able to check the registers via the registers
port as shown below:
module cpu (
input clk,
input reset,
output [31:0] iaddr,
input [31:0] idata,
output [31:0] daddr,
input [31:0] drdata,
output [31:0] dwdata,
output [3:0] dwe,
output [32*32-1:0] registers // EXTRA PORT
IMPORTANT: make sure the registers
port is defined in the exact way shown above. Connect this port to the bit vector formed by concatenating all the registers. For example:
assign registers = {r[31], r[30], r[29], r[28], r[27], r[26], r[25], r[24], r[23], r[22], r[21], r[20], r[19], r[18], r[17], r[16], r[15], r[14], r[13], r[12], r[11], r[10], r[9], r[8], r[7], r[6], r[5], r[4], r[3], r[2], r[1], r[0]};
You may need to modify your register file module accordingly.
This change just enables the evaluation script to directly access the registers at the top level.
- Clone this repository:
git clone
cd cpu_fpga
- Update
and add all additional verilog module files you created (like regfile, alu etc). IMP: Do NOT add your versions of imem, dmem or any other file which was given with the problem statement. Only add cpu.v and other associated modules.
Update the list inside program_file.txt
- Run the python file. This will take care of creating a block design on Vivado and generate bitstream.
Check the entire set of printed messages for any "ERROR" lines. If you see "ERROR" anywhere, that means the implementation failed.
- Once the bitstream has been generated successfully, following outputs are generated.
- IP generation. Leave this for now. -
- Vivado project file. -
- PYNQ Overlay(bitstream related) files.
- Open the FPGA Remote Jupyter server.
- Upload the
tar file - Open terminal in server and untar using
cd /home/xilinx/jupyter_notebooks
tar -xvf PYNQ_cpu.tar
- Now run the
WARNING: [Vivado 12-8222] Failed run(s) : 'design_1_harness_axi_ip_v1_0_0_0_synth_1'
If you get this error from the script, there is some problem in the cpu design. Look into this /harness_axi_proj/harness_axi_proj.runs/design_1_harness_axi_ip_v1_0_0_0_synth_1/runme.log
file to debug the issue.