You need to install the perl module "WWW::Salesforce".
For example via cpanm:
cpanm WWW::Salesforce
• ConvertLead() - Converts a Lead into an Account, Contact, or (optionally) an Opportunity
• Create() - Adds one new individual objects to your organization's data
• Delete() - Deletes one or more individual objects from your organization's data
• DescribeGlobal() - Retrieves a list of available objects for your organization's data
• DescribeLayout() - Describes metadata about a given page layout, including layouts for edit and display-only views and record type mappings
• DescribeSObject() - Describes metadata (field list and object properties) for the specified object
• DescribeSObjects() - An array based version of DescribeSObject()
• DescribeTabs() - Use the DescribeTabs call to obtain information about the standard and custom apps to which the logged-in user has access
• GetSessionID() - Gets the Salesforce SID
• GetUserID() - Gets the Salesforce UID
• GetUserName() - Gets the Salesforce Username
• GetUserInfo() - Retrieves personal information for the user associated with the current session
• ResetPassword() - Changes a user's password to a server-generated value
• SetPassword() - Sets the specified user's password to the specified value
• Logout() - Ends the session for the logged-in user issuing the call
• GetServerTimeStamp() - Retrieves the current system timestamp (GMT) from the Salesforce web service
• SFDate() - Converts the current system time in Epoch seconds to the date format that Salesforce likes
• GetDeleted() - Retrieves the list of individual objects that have been deleted within the given time span for the specified object
• GetUpdated() - Retrieves the list of individual objects that have been updated (added or changed)
• Query() - Executes a query against the specified object and returns data that matches the specified criteria
• DoQuery() - Returns a reference to an array of hash refs (similar to Query)
• QueryAll() - Executes a query against the specified object and returns data that matches the specified criteria including archived and deleted objects
• DoQueryAll() - Returns a reference to an array of hash refs (similar to QueryAll)
• QueryMore() - Retrieves the next batch of objects from a query or queryAll
• Search() - Use search() to search for records based on a search string
• GetFieldList() - Returns a ref to an array of hash refs for each field name Field name keyed as 'name'
• GetTables() - Returns a ref to an array of hash refs for each field name Field name keyed as 'name'
• Retrieve() - Use the Retrieve() call to retrieve individual records from an object
• Update() - Updates one or more existing objects in your organization's data
• UpSert() - Updates or inserts one or more objects in your organization's data
• DescribeMetadata() - Get some metadata info about your instance
• RetrieveMetadata() - Retrieve some metadata info about your instance
• CheckAsyncStatus() - Check whether or not an asynchronous metadata call or declarative metadata call has completed
• CheckRetrieveStatus() - Checks the status of the declarative metadata call retrieve() and returns the zip file contents
• GetErrorDetails() - Returns a hash with information about errors from API calls - only useful if ($res->valueof('//success') ne 'true')
Execute via Commandline or Cronjob (OTRS SysConfig).
• - Synchronize customer companies into OTRS
• - Synchronize customer users into OTRS
Fetch all customer data using salesforce SOAP API.
• perl /opt/otrs/bin/ Admin::SalesForce::SyncCompanies --companies-limit 1
• perl /opt/otrs/bin/ Admin::SalesForce::SyncCustomers --customers-limit 1
For more information see pdf documentation.
bless( {
'type' => 'Account',
'Owner' => bless( {
'Id' => [
'type' => 'User'
}, 'sObject' ),
'Id' => undef
}, 'sObject' ),
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